&noscript=1 /> Aktualna pogoda w Południowym Tyrolu

Pogoda i warunki śniegowe

Pogoda w Południowym Tyrolu

Stan: 15.03.2025, 11:00

Pogoda na dzisiaj

Humid air masses will reach us again from the south. Sunday begins cloudy and wet in many parts of the country. Snow falls above 1100 to 1400 m. Precipitation will become less frequent during the day, but there will still be locally showers. Above the larger valleys, the clouds will clear at times with a few sunny spells. Maximum temperatures between 7° and 14°.

Pogoda na dalsze dni

Poniedziałek, 17.03
Wtorek, 18.03
Środa, 19.03
Czwartek, 20.03
On Monday, the clouds will clear and it will be quite sunny, with foehn winds in the valleys in the north. Tuesday begins locally with low stratus clouds, otherwise it will be bright and sunny. Low stratus clouds will also disappear quickly on Wednesday and the sun will shine from a cloudless sky. Thursday will continue with pretty sunny weather.

Pogoda w górach na dzisiaj

Variable weather

On South Tyrol's mountains, it will remain unsettled with poor visibility. It will snow quite widely in the morning hours, during the day locally showers will form.


Wschód słońca

06:26 Godz.

Zachód słońca

18:23 Godz.


Wschód słońca

20:53 Godz.

Zachód słońca

07:03 Godz.

Wiatr na dużych wysokościach

1 - lekki wiatr

5-15 km/h

2 - umiarkowany wiatr

16-30 km/h

3 - silny wiatr

31-60 km/h

4 - bardzo silny wiatr

> 60 km/h

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